(c) Cory Fults
To understand the population size and structure of oceanic whitetip sharks around Hawaii, we are creating a database of current and historic images of oceanic whitetip sharks. Photographic identification methods using fin markings, coloration and scarring will be used to establish baseline information of oceanic whitetip shark demographics in this region. This work will complement our on-going tagging study that aims to understand habitat use and movement behavior, how this species interacts with fishers, attain quantitative estimates of depredation rates and come up with non-lethal solutions to fishery interactions.
Submission of Photos: If you have photos of oceanic whitetip sharks that you would like to contribute to this study, please follow the link to our photo submission page: click here. Your contributions will be acknowledged online, in reports and when shared on social media.
Below are example photos submitted for a shark photo identification study in partnership with Hawai'i Uncharted Research Collective (hawaiiuncharted.org).